Friday, April 13, 2007

Take me out to the ball game

Okay I know this isnt the best pic of my pages but I have a hard time getting them clear. Any how this is my dads side of the family. Him and his brothers and sister. im guessing the other brother is taking the picture cuse those are his kids, who are now in their 30's. Im thinking this is about 1982. I realy love this page because baseball has been in my life forever because of my dad.


Day4plus said...
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Day4plus said...

Hi Erin, very nice pages. Welcome to blogging. MB

Unknown said...

Such a fun page and a cleaver way to make the letters too!

smilnsigh said...

Hello Erin. I just came over from Sue's blog.

Very happy to meet you, my Dear.


~~Mikki Jo said...

Hi! I love your pages. I love photography too. But I've never tried the sb, seems like I always have too much other stuff going on. You are very creative, keep it up!!!